Magnet - 3.5x4 Round Corners - 20 Mil.

  • Rectangle Magnets make a beautiful product to give to your customers.
  • 3.5x4 magnets are printed in full-color and are a sturdy 25 mil. thick.
  • These popular sizes are great for calendars and schedules.
  • The 3.5x4 inch size makes a big impression that will last.
Production Time: 7 Working Days
250 $0.85 each
500 $0.60 each
1000 $0.44 each
2500 $0.29 each
5000 $0.26 each
10000 $0.24 each
25000 $0.21 each
Rectangle Magnets make a beautiful product to give to your customers. 3.5x4 magnets are printed in full-color and are a sturdy 20 mil. thick. These popular sizes are great for calendars and schedules. The 3.5x4 inch size makes a big impression that will last.

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Product Size
3.5 in. x 4 in.

7 lbs per 250 magnets

Country of Manufacture
United States

Additional Information
Price includes printing in full-color (four color process) on one side. Pantone® color match not available in full-color. Magnets are not intended for outdoor use. Write-on/Wipe-off surface not available.

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