Almanac Calendar (11" x 17")

  • Almanac Wall Calendar
  • 6 Sheet-12 Month Calendar
  • Tinned at Top
  • Antique Cream Stock
Production Time: 35 Working Days
100 $5.56 each
250 $4.71 each
500 $4.16 each
1000 $3.70 each
2500 $2.74 each
5000 $2.38 each
$20.00 per order
Big 11” x 17” Almanac Wall Calendar is loaded with information, weather forecasts, sun rise-sun sets, fishing guide, zodiac signs, moon phases and so much more! The six sheet 12 month calendar will get your message and ad viewed every day with useful and handy information. Printed on Antique 70# cream text stock and tinned at the top with a metal hanger. Prices include your 9.5”w x 3.5”h black ink imprint at the top. See options for other imprint colors, wrappers, etc.
Ideal gift for funeral homes, banks, feed, seed, farm and hardware stores.

Normal Production Time
35 Working Days

Product Size
11" x 17"

20 lbs. per carton of 100

Country of Manufacture
United States

Additional Information
IMPRINT: One color black ink in a 9.5"w x 3.5"h area at the top. Calendar format printed in standard colors of black and PMS 151 orange.

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